Living and Working in Seoul and Berlin
M.F.A college of Fine Art, Hong-ik University, Seoul, Korea
B.F.A college of Fine Art,Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
Verein Berliner Künstler(VBK)
Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Berlin (BBK)
Solo Exhibition
2024 "URBAN DREAMS", Musikstudio und GALERIE: GABRIELE PAQUÉ, Bonn, Germany
2024"Trans_Reflection 365 #", Goyang Aram Art Museum, Korea
2024 "Trans_Reflection", UNCgallery, Seoul, Korea
2023 "Urban_Reflection", Government-Complex, Seoul, Korea
2021 "Pictorial Narrative", GalerieZ22, Berlin, Germany
2018 "Pictorial Narrative", SOMAartspace, Berlin, Germany
2016 "Reflective City", UNCgallery, Seoul, Korea
2014 "Reflective City", Lee Galerie, Berlin, Germany
2011 "Wandering Parade", Lee Galerie, Berlin, Germany
2010 "Emtional city",UNCgallery, Seoul, Korea
2008 "Matrix: Return of city", UNCgallery, Seoul, Korea
2007 "Uncertain Scape", Songeun Gallery
2006 Space stone and water, Anyang , Korea
2004 Kepco plaza Gallery(selection in exhibition support artist), Seoul, Korea
2000 Dukwon Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Group Exhibition
2024 "TIME WARP", VBK galerei, Berlin, Germany
2023 "Erweiterte Realitäten – Künstlerische Prozesse zum Anthropozän", VBK galerei, Berlin, Germany
2023 "You better bring me Joy", Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany
2022 "good News", VBK galerei, Berlin, Germany
2022 "Between Reality 2.0", Kubackis Wohnzimmergalerie, Berlin
2022 "Between Reality_Hyeja/ Peter Lindenberg", Kunstraum F200, Berlin, Germany
2022 "VerhinderteSchönheiten",VBK galerei, Berlin, Germany
2021 "Die Neuen",VBK galerei, Berlin, Germany
2020 " Frankfurt artfair Discovery", Frankfurt, Germany
"Update20_Art is not Cancelled",VBK galerei, Berlin, Germany
"Virtual damdam", Gallery damdam of Berlin Korea Cultrual Center, Germany
2019 "Phantom City",SEHWA MUSEUM, Seoul, Korea
2018 "Space-Reading",Gallery SEJUL, Seoul, Korea
"Hyeja Km/ Kuno Ebert", Hilbertraum, Berlin, Germany
"Goyang Artist 365", Goyang Aram Nuri, Korea
2017 "Lee Joong-sup, Meomory", Yongsan Arthal, Seoul, Korea
2016 "Stadtlandschaften-Stadtansichten", HilsbachKunstKultur, Aurach, Germany
2014 Korea International Art Fair, COEX, Seoul, Korea
"New opening, 4Exhibition", UNCgallery, Seoul, Korea
2013 "Korea Contemporary Painting, 33Exhibition", Gangdong Art Center, Seoul, Korea
"Project Space", GlogauAIR Gallery, Berlin, Germany
"Group show of the130th Korea-Germany Anniversary", Korea Cultrual Center, Berlin, Germany
"New Space, New Vision", Spinnerei Lia Space, Leipzig, Germany
",Honkong Asia Hotel Art Fair, Mandarin Hotel,Honkong
"Fickle Art", Artcampaign, Seoul Cityhall, Korea
2012 Preview Berl in Art Fair, Berlin, Germany
"Contempory Korea Artist", Lee Garleie, Berlin, Germany
Gwangju International Art Fair, Kim Dae Jung Convention Center, Gwangju
"Urban Promenade", Pohang Museum of Art, Korea
ArtRoad77, BookHouse Gallery, Paju Heiry, Korea
2011 "Seoul, City Exploration", Seoul Museum Of Art, Korea
2010 Korea International Art Fair, COEX, Seoul, Korea
ArtRoad77,Gmsan Gallery, Paju Heiry, Korea
2009 Kic-Nord Art 09, Büdelsdorf, Germany
Korea International Art Fair, COEX, Seoul, Korea
"Beyond The Line",UNCgallery, Seoul, Korea
2008 "Sweet November>,UNCgallery, Seoul, Korea
Hong Kong Art Fair, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Hong Kong
2007 Singapore Art Fair, Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Singapore
"Dreamscape", Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Zurich, Switszerland
"Indication", Artfactory Gallery, Paju Heiry, Korea
"From Heiry Winter Art Collection", Bookhouse Gallery, Paju,Korea
2006 "Window", Gallery JinSun, Seoul, Korea
Pre-International Incheon Women Biennale,"Breathing", Incheon Culture & Arts Center , Korea
2005 Chang Moon nature art festival, Chang Moon Art Center, Hwasung, Korea
Naepo Modern art festival, Hong ju Culture& Arts Center , Korea
2004 "Time 2004", Gallery PICI, Seoul, Korea
Naepo Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hongsung
"Vision and Prospect of Contemporary Korean Painting", Cheltenham Art Center, America
"Oasis", Public space project, Namsan Library, Seoul, Korea
2003 "Self-Demonstration" ,Gallery Chang, Seoul , Korea
2002 G.P.S Exhibition, Hong-ik University Modern Art Museum ,Seoul , Korea
National Youth Biennale of Korea <Breathing>', Taegu Culture& Arts Center , Korea
"Botanical speculation" , Gallery Lamer, Seoul , Korea
2016 Seoul Cultural Foundation, Creative support Artist Selection, Korea
2013 Art of Council Korea Fondation,'International Residency Program' Grant selection.
2011 Art of Council Korea Fondation,'International Residency Program' Grant selection.
Gyeonggi Province Culture Foundation, ‘Best Art Creation Activity’ Grant selection
2008 Gyeonggi Province Culture Foundation, ‘Best Art Creation Activity’ Grant selection.
2007 The 7th Songeun Grand Art Exhibition, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2006 The 6th Songeun Grand Art Exhibition, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea
Gyeonggi Province Culture Foundation, 'Young Art Activity' Grant selection.
2004 Dong-A Grand Art Exhibition, National Modern Art Museum, Korea
2003 Joong-Ang Grand Art Exhibition, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
2020~Atelier by Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Berlin (BBK)
2016 Hilsbach Kunst Kultre Residency, Aurach, Germany
2013 LIA -Leipzig International Art Program, Germany
2011 GlogauAir Residency program, Berlin, Germany
2015~2017 Fine Art Chung-Ang University, Korea
Artbank, National Modern Art Museum, Korea
Government Artbank, Korea
Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
Private collections